
The creation of the Berlin Mobility Data Hub was accompanied by interdisciplinary scientific research from the fields of transportation and social science as well as information systems and design science.

This research, so far, has resulted in two publications of our findings:

  • Kellermann, R., Conde Sivizaca, D., Rößler, D., Kliewer, N., Dienel, H.-L. (2022). Mobility in Pandemic Times: Exploring Changes and Long-term Effects of COVID-19 on Urban Mobility Behavior. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Open Access, DOI:
  • Conde Sivizaca, D., Rößler, D., Kliewer, N., Stegemann, L. (2022). Enabling Data-Driven Mobility Research: Design Principles and Design Features for an open Platform approach. Proceedings of the 56th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences,